Regenerative Medicine

Pain Management

Regenerative Therapies have been shown to be an effective way to manage pain.

Degeneration of joints
Chronic Pain from prior injuries
Knee pain
Shoulder pain
Hip Pain

Sports Injuries

Regenerative medicine is now at the forefront of helping athletes overcome injuries without surgery or invasive measures.

Rotator Cuff Injuries
Tennis/Golfers Elbow
Muscle/tendon tears
Ligament Injuries
Meniscus Damage
Plantar Fasciitis

Spinal Conditions

We can help find the best treatment option to improve pain or discomfort related to spinal conditions

Degenerative Disc Disease
Arthritis of the spine
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Sacroiliac Pain

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy

Platelet rich plasma therapy is the use of concentrated platelets from a patient’s own blood to harness their own body’s innate capability and ability to heal through the aid of growth factors. The growth factors within the platelets all provide valuable contribution to the repair of tissues and regeneration offering otherwise valuable treatment options for patients who suffer from conditions which include, but are not limited to current or past injuries, arthritis, and soft tissues injuries.

How Does It Work ?
All of the tendons and ligaments in our body generally speaking have otherwise poor blood supply and less capacity for healing than other tissues. This can contribute to chronic pain and instability of these tendons and ligaments. Platelets which are normally found in the blood are known for their ability to coagulate and prevent excessive bleeding, but moreover they have enormous reserves of growth factors which can jump-start or accelerate the tissue repair & regeneration process. They actively stimulate the wound healing of connective tissues like tendons and ligaments, bone regeneration and/or repair, as well as angiogenesis – the creation of new blood vessels.

What To Expect From Your Procedure ?
You will arrive at our clinic 15 minutes prior to your appointment with a designated driver where we will educate you at length on the benefits & risks of the procedure. After this discussion we will then have you sign a consent form and you will subsequently be positioned in preparation for the procedure.

You will then have your blood drawn in an antiseptic fashion. After this is done your blood will be formally processed and separated into its various constituents. The platelets having now been separated will be concentrated into a potent PRP graft that we can place into the affected area through the use of imaging guidance such as ultrasound or fluoroscopy. Once the graft is placed we have effectively stimulated your healing cascade. Following procedure you will then be assessed and observed for an additional 5-10 minutes following completion of the procedure to ensure your safety and then scheduled for post-procedural follow up by our staff.

What To Expect After Procedure
● Gradual substantial reduction in pain
● Improvements in healing (*note healing process will usually take around 6-8 weeks)
● Acute short term mild swelling, bruising, or pain around the affected area

Benefits Of PRP Therapy
● Substantial reduction in pain
● Improvement in function
● Promote the healing process
● Eliminate or mitigate the need for prolonged physical therapy
● Eliminate or mitigate the need for surgical intervention


Prolotherapy, also known as regenerative injection therapy, kickstarts the body’s inherent healing processes by inducing a controlled inflammatory response. This stimulation fosters the growth of new, healthy tissues, making it a potential treatment for chronic pain conditions, ligament injuries, and instability in joints.


Prolotherapy, also known as regenerative injection therapy, kickstarts the body’s inherent healing processes by inducing a controlled inflammatory response. This stimulation fosters the growth of new, healthy tissues, making it a potential treatment for chronic pain conditions, ligament injuries, and instability in joints.